On This Day…
10th July 1940
Battle of Britain Started
As part of WW2 the Germans set out to gain supremacy over the RAF in the British skies. This, the Battle of Britain, was the first time that a major campaign took place in the air. The Luftwaffe attempted to attack first shipping and ports, then airfields, then factories. Then cities and civilians were attacked in an attempt to demoralise the British people. This, the Blitz, ran from 7 September 1940 to 10 May 1941. When Churchill said “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” he was referring to the pilots of Fighter Command who successfully repelled the Luftwaffe. And so the plucky Brits survived and went on to win the war, with some help from the Americans when they finally showed some interest.
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